Consultancy Diagnosis

CEPI-CTS comparative testing service

Say “yes” to CEPI interlaboratory tests!

  • Manage measurements
  • Guarantee the results obtained
  • Provide a vital complement to any metrological inspection

Generate Value...

Subscribing to an interlaboratory testing service is a means of gaining access to resources for checking testing procedures and equipment.
In addition to guaranteeing the results obtained, subscribing to a comparative testing service helps to ensure that measuring instruments are regularly checked and any discrepancies are corrected. It is also a vital complement to any metrological inspection and to determining the measurement uncertainties associated with a device or product.
The CEPI-CTS comparative testing service is independent, autonomous, and available in most European countries. It is the only comparative testing service that provides reference values and statistical limits for samples.

Échantillon pour mesures de propriétés optiques

Sample for measuring optical properties

Context and performance

With more than 45 years’ experience in the field, the CTP’s service has been supporting the industry, in collaboration with the other papermaking organisations involved in the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI), since 1976. The entire papermaking process is involved, from beginning to end. Subscribers include members from all sectors of the papermaking industry, through to its clients and suppliers.
The CEPI-CTS comparative testing service is managed by an expert executive committee formed from the European paper industry’s most prestigious research centres. It has an indisputable track record, with more than 400 clients, a catalogue of around 100 tests (mechanical, structural, surface-related, chemical, printability and optical properties) on different types of substrate (pulp, paper, boxboard, corrugated board, tissue products, prints, etc.) and more than 16,000 samples distributed each year.

Exemple d’un rapport type délivré aux abonnés Example of a standard report issued to subscribers

Content of services

  • “Qualified” laboratories, chosen on account of their expertise, participate in preliminary tests (2 per year) to determine reference values, CEPI values, and interlaboratory standard deviations. The CTP is a qualified laboratory for more than 20 different tests.
  • “Coordinating” laboratories prepare samples for the whole of Europe and interpret the results at a general level. For example, the CTP is the coordinating laboratory for optical measurements.
  • “Distributing” laboratories send samples to clients in their country, interpret the results at a national level, and send the corresponding reports. The CTP is the distributing laboratory for France.
  • “Subscriber clients” receive samples on a regular basis, along with reference values and statistical limits.
How CEPI-CTS works

How CEPI-CTS works


  • Supply of samples by the CTP, twice or four times a year, depending on the type of subscription chosen.
  • Issuance of a report on the results obtained by all of the subscribers twice a year.
  • Customised reports can be produced on request.

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